If you ever experience a problem with your website and are incapable of dealing with it yourself, ask the respective hosting company’s client care staff to assist you to get the site back online. A speedy resolution would be the most optimal scenario, but a lot of hosting companies reply within twenty four hours or even more, especially if you’re working with a reseller. Even if the problem can be easily sorted out, your site may not function satisfactorily or may not be reachable whatsoever for a lengthy stretch of time, so you may lose prospective clients since it’s extremely unlikely that anybody would go back to a broken website. For this reason, you ought to make certain not only that you can get in touch with your web hosting company, but also that they can respond and help you in a well-timed manner. If a software application update doesn’t proceed as planned or you delete something accidentally, for example, the site must be fixed speedily so as to prevent protracted inaccessibility.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting
Our guaranteed max reply time for any ticket that you open or any e-mail that you write is just one hour, even if you contact us on weekends and public holidays. Regardless of the essence of your query or issue, we will lend you a hand straight away and will supply you with the needed information to fix any problem with your sites. The real reaction time normally does not surpass fifteen-twenty minutes, which suggests that you can forget about waiting for hours and hours on end to get a problem solved or even worse – waiting around all day only to receive an answer that more info is needed whilst nothing’s fixed. We will offer you assistance in a jiffy since we understand just how expensive time can be in the dynamic online space. The 60-minute response time guarantee applies to any billing or technical query that you may have with regard to our Linux cloud hosting packages.