Advanced Tools
Discover more about the Advanded Tools available in the Hepsia Control Panel - what software tools are available to you and proven methods to use them.
A web hosting account is normally managed via an online-based Control Panel and includes a lot more services than only storing your site files on a server. Using .htaccess files for various functions, forwarding the traffic from one Internet domain to another or stopping the access to a website based on the viewer's IP are a few examples of the functions which are often a fundamental element of using a hosting service and even though these things can all be set up by hand, we offer several handy tools you can use as to make best use of any one of them. Consequently, it shall be able to use more sophisticated features even when you have zero practical experience and you'll be able to take care of your online presence better and easier.
Advanced Tools in Cloud Hosting
Because all
cloud hosting solutions include the Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to take advantage of our state-of-the-art tools irrespective of the plan you select and through the exact same intuitive interface that Hepsia comes with. All tools are super easy to use, so the options that they will enable you to utilize shall not take more than a few clicks. With the .htaccess generator you will be able to create language redirection, stop the access to your site from certain referrers or enable PHP code in HTML files. The IP Blocking tool shall permit you to stop the access to your Internet sites based on the IP of the visitors, while the Outgoing Connections manager will allow you to restrict what remote servers your Internet sites could connect to. The tools in Hepsia include Hotlink Protection, Password Protection, Sitemap Generator and other practical instruments that will allow you to use complex options without coding skills or previous experience required as they are all managed through the easy-to-use Hepsia interface.
Advanced Tools in Dedicated Hosting
We provide a number of advanced tools as part of Hepsia, which is one of several options for the hosting Control Panel for our
dedicated servers. These instruments will enable you to manage your web content effortlessly and will give you more control even if you have no preceding experience because they all share the easy-to-use interface Hepsia comes with. For example, you'll be able to block the unauthorized access to your websites by setting password protection for a specific folder or by completely stopping the access to the hosting server for one or a number of IP addresses. You can also make a detailed sitemap, create a .htaccess file with a variety of directives in it or reroute any site or subdomain to a URL of your choosing - all these things can be completed with no more than several mouse clicks within the corresponding section of Hepsia. You shall also be able to adjust different settings inside the server PHP settings using a basic interface as opposed to modifying a long and complex php.ini file as you shall have to do with various other Control Panels.